I had been up awhile and was crashing. I was ready to crash too. But eight hours of sleep is not enough to recover that loss. I was going to need it to get up the next day. I had given up trying to find any & was going to bed. When I got a phone call, But not the from the usual person. Every fiber of my being said “DO NOT go. Go to bed.” In addition to that it was 3am. I had a new car that had paper plates that were from out of state. I was fully aware that in the neighbor I was going they would stop me just because of the hour. As a matter of fact my boyfriend had been arrested in the EXACT same place 10yrs. Earlier. They say that God throws stones at us long before he throws the boulder. Fully aware that my boulder was not far away from hitting me. I chose to go anyway. I believe that it was Devine intervention that night. I was really being tired of living this & knew it needed to stop. I also knew that wasn’t gonna do it by myself. Nor would I ask for help. Did I want to go to jail? No. I try to be to be as smart as one can be when going on a run. Like having it on my person, follow all traffic laws, drivers license & insurance. The obvious. My horrible feeling never left & I kept telling myself just to go home. The addict did not listen. When I arrived, she met me at the car & said she put it in the console. I went in to use the potty. After I returned to my car to leave, I could see headlights coming up the road. I had been taking off my coat & decided that if I took the time to find what was in the car and it was the law they would stop because of the time I was taking. I pulled away from the curb & in a flash he was on my ass. Then the lights came on. And I KNEW in that second I was done. He went back to his car while I was looking for my license & insurance. Which I also tried to find the dope in the console. I could not find anything. So of course now there is two. They pull me out of the car interrogating me. I granted them permission to search the car. Thinking to myself, “well if I can’t find it, maybe they won’t be either.” It was in the cup holder. From the time I pulled away from the curb until I arrived downtown was only 25 minutes. There are so many “if-had-only.” I was normally diligent about the things. I knew at that moment, although it did not feel like it, was a blessing.
Angels among us
jjrocksarizona, , Addiction, Child, Grief, PTSD, Religion, 0
a story every one should cut and paste and share with friends and family. enjoy. but break out the...
Feeling Scared
La_Nouvelle, , Addiction, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, Therapy, 1
So I made myself a schedule to follow. A list of do's and don'ts. Typical for me, always attempting...
Step work
jjrocksarizona, , Addiction, 0
So why is it that some people in this program are sponsors when they themselves do not have a...
Home From Jail
Suzy_Kabloozy, , Addiction, Sex Therapy, 1
I went to do my jail time last weekend. I went in on Friday morning and was released on...
Role of Willingness in Spiritual Recovery from Addiction
JanWSOS, , Addiction, Addiction, Grief, Questions, Religion, Self Help, Spirituality, 0
The 12 Step programs (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous, etc.) are a free resource availablealmost 24/7to...
Maybe getting better
Picku332, , Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Sex Therapy, 1
Wow, I don’t know what to say. I think I’m getting better, maybe. I’ve been more social, more open,...
Need to Vent
Snowbird, , Addiction, Addiction, Anger, Career, Grief, Questions, Weight Loss, 4
I am angry. I am disgusted and angry. And I have to let go of it because it is...
Dare to Share
passionbear, , Addiction, Mindfulness, 1
Dare to Share by Larry Ron kali Sept. 30th 2007 It's not that hard if you set aside pride,...