Well my daugher when out again last night not even telling me if you need me blah blah blah….I had to send her a text because we ran out of milk for the baby and did she answer me, nope.  I finally got her to answer and say where she was but nothing about how is the baby and also no milk when she came home.  She's only thinking of herself being selfish.  I understand her wanting to go out and be with her friends and now dating a new guy who just might be the one and I'm happy for that because she's always dated guys who treated her like crap.  This one is older and treats her like a queen.  We haven't formally met him just a wave in the car but I guess she's waiting to see how he works out before meeting me and her son.

About 1am last night someone knocks on the door and it one of her friends daughter and she said my daughter wanted her to drive home their car they are taking a cab home and she was to stay here…..would have been no problem but I can't stand her from her past actions.  I had been trying to get Landon to go to sleep since 9pm and it was 1am and still no luck so she immediately goes into his room and gets him all worked up and I got mad…I finally told him to settle down and for her to leave him alone so  he will go to sleep and I layed with him till he did finally.

I woke up to more rain and thunderstorms and I  know that adds to the depression but the girl is still here annoying me and Dana is still in bed cause she came  home so late like 4am and drank too much so she'll sleep the day away til time to go to work….I'm not going to let that happen I'm so mad I'm going to wake her up and tell her to take this girl home and go to the market cause we have nothing here we still have to go shopping for food!  I hate living like this I need a place of my own and then maybe she will learn she has to be responsible for her son and taking care of him.  I hate my life I 'm going no where and nothing to do that will help me feel better.  I just want to crawl back in bed and cry myself to sleep.

We have more rain and storms coming and I'm still debating on writing a blog about that…maybe one day…I do need to get it out of me it's consuming me even though it happened so long ago but the storms and thunder always bring it out….maybe one day…


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