Hi folks! I'm not on the Tribe nearly as much as I once was, but I think of you guys all of the time. Have been pursuing this late-in-life comedic career and keep pushing my personal boundaries.After my mom died last summer., I think the "good little boy" died as well. I have been even more outspoken then I was before if that was possible! I've been performing as many open mic nights as I can get a slot reserved for at a Atlanta comedy club called The laughing Skull Lounge. I have also entered a comedy competition through that club to perform at The Atlanta Dogwood Festival in April! I video taped and uploaded a stand-up demo of my stuff and there will be two live runoffs at the club before the winner is announced… If you're so inclined, you can go to http://laughingskulllounge.com/index.cfm to check out the "Dogwood Fringe Comedy Competition" or to see who the headliners are going to be in the upcoming months. I haven't headlined yet because I am "paying my dues"as they say and I am fairly low on the totem pole. Atl least I'm not a "comedy virgin" which is the vey lowest rank!….Guys, there is SO much comedic talent out there!…..It would be more intimidating if I weren't absolutely sure that FINALLY this is where I am supposed to be. There is a "finally home" feel I get onstage that comes second only to the feeling that I get with my partner…It's that gut feeling that lets me know I'm doing the right thing. Adam, as always, is supportive and encouraging and for that I'm forever grateful.; Just one more reason to love the man…..Sure, at times the voices in my head tell me I could never be that good, but ironically the voices in my head are ALSO what give me my best material; the demons and the angels as it were. I swear to god if my head were a theater, the fire martial would shut it down for overcrowding!

( NEW for me anyway) I'm finally entering the new decade and getting a smart phone so I can maueuver the social and comedic waters of my craft. That isn't so much a luxury as a necessity.anymore If anyone would like to follow me on Twitter. My twitter address is: @LMQAO……All this from a guy who fears crowds and has to make himself go outside! Now THAT's frikin funny.

Well I'll sign off here or I'll be sitting in font of this workstation all day. It's a beautiful coolish spring day here in Atlanta and I want to make the most of it before the dog days of summer get here I hope all my buds are doing well and making the most of today as well. Love and think of you all often.

Peace, Love and Laughs, David


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