If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes!

Though I'm a strong proponent of NA and AA, I would never criticize other people's (who suffer from addiction) points of view or beliefs on recovering from addiction. I only know what hasbrought peace and joy to me and many of those who suffer from drug/alcohol addiction that I know personally.I honestly smile eachtime I read a new posting on here about someone who's had enough andwants something better. NO matter what the reason.See, to me that's the grandest leap an addict has to take.That's the first, of many, changes I had to make. Itgets a little dicey after that. It can be immediate. It can take years. For me it took years. I didn't realize at the time that other changes must take place and I found myself doing the same stupid sh:it over and over again. For me change equals "I don't want to do it!" ..and what I found out in NA and AA was I had to change everything. I had to get a sponsor. I had to listen to advice from people in recovery. I had delete most the phone numbers in my phone. I had to be honest (that's a bitch). I had to go to meetings. I had to talk with other people about the crazy sh:it that was going through my head. That's just the short list of changes. It boiled down to if I didn't want to do it, I probably had to.What's most amazing is, compared to chasing dope every day, thatwas all simple. Dope has never been my problem, I was my problem. My best thinking convinced me to stick a needle in my arm. To lie, steal, cheat and destroy my own life. I knew it was killing me every timeI got high. If I put the dope down and changed nothing what was going to stop me from eventually picking it back up? Nothing. Now, I'm very happy with (almost) every change I've made. Wouldn't change it back that's for sure. If you find yourself going back to the same old sh:it, maybe it's time to start changing some things. Works for me (and others I know like me).

God's Grace to all.


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