So my first blog here will be basic.

I will try not to bore you, nor entertain with this blog. I will simply be me for a moment.

I am Fred. I was born June, 30 1974. I got sober 3-29-04.

I am a writer by trade, actually, I am a jack of all trades. Currently I live in a RV in Huntington Beach CA, with my dog (Sherman) and my partner/fiancee (Amy).

 I am THE alcoholic. Sherman could take it or leave it. Amy is a bit of a "normie", with her own tendencies to imbibe like I used to, only not to the degree or consistency I did.

I must say my favorite thing to do, is sit outside, smoking cloves and drinking coffee. Once in a while I enjoy riding my bike to the pier and people watching. Normally I spend my time working on getting a company up and running. Its a bit crazy at times, but its life.

I have had numerous people ask me how it is that I, an alcoholic, can be around people that drink. Its quite simple really. I am old enough to drive, have a good idea where the nearest liquor store is, and have access to money to buy the stuff if I really wanted it. Hell it would not be below the old me to just steal it…lol

I simply do not have the desire anymore. I do occasionally crave it, that's a fact. When that happens you usually see me make my way straight to the nearest meeting.

That should be enough rambling from me for the moment. 

Until next time…

1 Comment
  1. kater 16 years ago

    Nice ramble! Nice to get to know you and the world through your eyes. We are not different… your words could very well be mine… except I don't have a dog and my sig other is sober too.. Actually he took me to my first meeting.. but I was a normie then.. I'm glad I'm not, I was just kidding myself, and the steps have totally changed my life..MUCH for the better! Blog on!

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