I'm paranoid but with just cause. Someone tried to hack into my FB account. I just hope it wasn't "her". I am terrified that someone is watching me online and trying to cyberbully me. My friend (ex) is being cyberbullied and this person is making his life miserable and trying to get to all his friends. I have been through this kind of thing before and its terrifying. I am getting more and more anxious over this and with New Years coming, it's even worse. I hate New Years and I'm afraid I will spend it alone which is something that is unbearable for me.

I still love my ex but I can't deal with this person stalking him. He is not interested in me as more than a friend, so what is the point anyway? He already said he's worried the girl stalking him will scare other girls away. He knows I love him but he wants someone else. I guess it's not worth all this stress and anxiety, I guess I have to just let it all go, but I can't. It's so hard.

I can feel all the anxiety coming back. My whole body is exhausted. I just want to lie down, but when I do the thoughts get stronger and I get more anxious. I am hoping I am just paranoid, but don't feel secure. I have been worried about my finances ever since my bank card number got stolen last fall– I had to get a new bank card. Then I went broke partly from shopping, but I was afraid someone had stolen my new card number. I went into such a state that I won't even check what's in my account now, I am just beside myself with worry, fear, anxiety.

This has been a horrible 4 months. Ever since the last time I saw my ex, things have been going downhill. My depression and anxiety have been ten fold. I don't know how I can stop this. Maybe if I just never talk to him or text him back again… maybe he'll never text me again. Maybe it will just all finally end.


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