Isn't it strange how your memory works so poorly when you're having a hard time? I know what we did yesterday, but I can't remember a whole lot of it. It's hazy and indistinct.

I know that around 11 a.m. Zachary and I went to the bank, then to the library to pick out 2 books for me and a movie they had on hold for him, then to work to pick up my hours for the week (yaaay! 2 shifts this time!), and then to McDonald's to pick up lunch for everyone. I know we came home and ate, and that I took a nap and then watched the movie Zachary rented (which was SO awful!) and then Aaron was home. But other than KNOWING those things happened, I don't remember FEELING anything. Weird.

Slept very poorly again ~ after an hour and a half of lying there while my husband tossed and turned and the cat lay curled on my chest (which I did enjoy) and the dog sleeping between my knees…I finally gave up and moved to the couch. Just as I was falling asleep my husband showed up in front of me to ask why I had moved. "Because I can't sleep down there tonight", I answered. "Why not?", he asked. "I just can't! Go to bed it's late!", I told him. He had really bad heart burn so he came up to drink some milk. He kissed me goodnight and finally sleep came and took me. I don't know why I sleep SO much better on the couch than I do anywhere else.

Today is a day full of plans. I'm going to be exhausted by the time we get home. My Mom and I and Zach all have to go to Wal-Mart, then pick up flea medicine for my dog from the vet's office, and then go to Publix to grab subs for lunch. We're headed down to my aunt's house to visit and go swimming for awhile today and have lunch with her. I hope Zachary has fun and really enjoys the pool. I know I will.

Anyhow, hoping fora good day today… (((HUGS)))

1 Comment
  1. Jamaicat 11 years ago

     Hugs to you my friend. I hope you feel better

    0 kudos

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