Mood is okay

We went to church this morning, I like starting my Sundays like that again.  We hadn’t been going for some time, but it is part of my changes I am making. 

I visited mama today and it was a good visit.  The weather is finally warming up and the days are getting longer. 

We sat at the kitchen table with my sister and reminisced about our apartment house which burnt down last month.  All that was left today was muddy ground.  There was a speak-easy in the basement back in the day.  The floor was painted blood red.  As kids, my brother and I would go down there and try to have parties but the landlord would hear none of that. 

There was a beauty salon and butcher shop in the front at one time as well.  Mama said they would slaughter pigs in the basement, ewwww, I didn’t even think about that.  This building was two story, with like 16 foot floors.  So it was very tall, made of brick with a flat roof.  My sister would tan up on the roof in the summer, I never went up there because I was afraid.  RIckety porch stairs took you up to the 2nd level in back.  That is what my nightmare is usually about.  I dream I am running up the mint green stairs and they start falling away from the back porch.  I lean and jump, trying to hold onto the edge of the porch without falling the 30 feet down below. 

I also dream about the ?petroleum tank? that was in the basement.  As kids we always said someone was in there and then run past quickly so as not to wake them.  I can’t imagine the spirits that must have been in that house.  I don’t know if anyone ever died there, but with being such an old building, you have to wonder.

So now it is leveled to the ground.  Very sad to look at and see.  I cried a bit and took a couple photos with my phone.  This was the only house I ever lived in as a child, 18 years of memories gone.  Nobody will ever see my name etched in the drywall, woodwork, and the time capsules I threw into the wall when my dad built one room into two. 

We also stopped to visit my dad and uncle at the cemetary.  We didn’t stay long, just said hello and then left.  I also took her to a garden center to look at all the outdoor deco and seeds and such.  I bought some plant trays so now I just need to order the seed.

What a difference a day makes.  Thank you Lord for all my blessings.


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