Not that it ever leaves but you know what I mean. Of course it always tends to get worse...
Transplantology course
zizi, , Uncategorized, Anxiety, Career, Child, Grief, Medication, Psychosis, Relationships, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, Therapy, 09.05.2017 Today was my first day at the transplantology department we started by having a lecture about something about...
chiboy, , Uncategorized, Hypnotherapy, PTSD, Relationships, Therapy, 3Every once in a while I end up seeing a shrink who suggests group therapy to me. Every time...
Hey guys just lookingredients for a bit of advice really. I’ve started sixth format that this year and thought...
Hi, I’m Caelinn. I am planning to run away. There is just one problem. So my parents are home...
I hate where I am but it is heaven compared to where I was
BeccaSweet, , Anxiety, Depression, HIV or Aids, LGBT, Marriage & Family, Teens, Uncategorized, Anxiety, Child, Relationships, Religion, Sex Therapy, Suicide, 1Life is full of shitty surprises. A little over 7 months ago, I was your typical high schooler, spoiled,...
Intro to me: the beginning of emptiness
Sirenshope, , Anxiety, Depression, Marriage & Family, Uncategorized, Career, Suicide, 1Hello and thank you to all who take the time to read this. This is a short intro to...
The Name Game
ASBishop, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Uncategorized, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Schizophrenia, 0I’ve been thinking a lot about names and what they mean? I’ve recently discovered that names matter more than...
I have so many wonderful, amazing things going on in my life. I work two jobs that both pay...
April 12th- Today is better than it was yesterday, mental wise. I just finished the SAT and ACT Work Keys...