people ask what do i have to do to stay clean? i will tell you know that i am a long time card carrying member of narcotics anonymous. that means complete abstinance from all mood altering substances. first you have to change "EVERYTHING". sounds simple doesn't it. you have to start by changing your playmates, your play places, and playthings. go to at least 90 meetings in your first 90 days of recovery. if you can go to more even the better. try to buy a Na or AA book and read it as often as you can. read it until you read your story in it. be on the lookout for someone who would make a good sponsor for you. it is always the best to have a person of the same sex be your sponsor. if you don't find one right away don't give up hope. that wise and faithful person is out just waiting for you.

i have had the same sponsor for 8 years now. i may live n Arizona and he lives in Montana but he is still my sponsor. there are only 3 people in my entire region who have been around a couple of years longer than i have. learn to live the 12 step lifestyle. being miserable is not an option, picking up today is not an option, being unhappy today is not an option. try to give what ever 12 step program you belong to 1 year and if you can't stand it any longer we will gladly refund your misery 100 percent. if you go half  the distance to stay clean as you did to get loaded you can do this thing called Recovery. some will find that first 30 days the most miserable time of their lives but to see the jubliation on a person taking a 30 day keytag or chip is so awesome. to know that they made 30 days without using or picking up. yes you're a miracle. Find a higher power that you can put your trust and faith in and believe that you can do this. hold onto your ass with both hands because your 1st year will be a heck of a roller coaster ride. but trust me when i say if you make it to one year you never have to use or drink again. have faith in the people who got here before you did. we are no different than the newcomer. we just got here before you did and some of us managed to stay to see the miracle happen.

God willing in 46 days i will get to take a 20 year coin and it's only because i remained teachable. for every action in recovery there is a reaction. we will truly love you until you can learn to love yourself. learn to walk the walk and talk the talk but put the effort out to stay clean today and everyday for the rest of your lives. remember that Recovery is a life long journey not a destination and use the rest stops God provides along the way.


In Recovery for Life,


JJ in Sunny hot Arizona


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