I realize that I have gone missing both before as well as after my hospitalization and I feel that...
Polar Opposites
coffeedad, , OCD, Anxiety, Borderline Personality Disorder, Career, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Medication, OCD, 2The strangest thing has been happening lately where I feel like my entire life is diametrically opposed. Like a...
The Good Fight-my story
Fightforlife625, , OCD, Anxiety, Child, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Eating Disorder, Grief, Mindfulness, Obesity, OCD, Relationships, Religion, Therapist, Therapy, Weight Loss, 0I was diagnosed with OCD when I was seven years old. Of course I didn't know what it was,...
Free fallin'
coffeedad, , OCD, Addiction, Anxiety, Bipolar, Career, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, OCD, Relationships, Stress, 1It's been a couple of weeks since I poured my random, unrelated thoughts out into a blog for you...
My first OCD Therapy Session
DotA, , OCD, Anxiety, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Medication, OCD, Parenting, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, Therapy, 4Hi, everyone Sorry for the late reply back My first therapy session was Monday July 9; oh my God...
How exercise helped me to overcome social anxiety
CuriousOrange, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Social Anxiety, Weight Loss, 3Hello, This is my first post here and just wanted to share how exercise played a vital role in...
Anger Turned Inwards
delly1234, , Depression, Anger, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression, Therapist, Therapy, 1The way the I describe depression to others is that it is an anger that is turned towards the...
Afraid of Heaven/Afraid of Hell
susanitamn, , OCD, Anxiety, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Grief, OCD, Questions, Therapy, Weight Loss, 3I'm so thankful for places like these to get things off of my chest. Normal people can't understand. Most...