So I just took a very relaxing shower and I thought I would get on here. I know I've...
Today my husband has an interview. He will be out of the house much of the day because of...
The Feeling Called Love
depressednstressed, , Depression, Child, Divorce, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Grief, 2I had a dream the other night. It was about some guy I had never met before but he...
My brain is messed up
russ1116, , Anxiety, Anger, Anxiety, Child, Divorce, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Relationships, Religion, Self Esteem, Sex Therapy, Social Anxiety, Spirituality, Suicide, 31st post, Hi guys! Anyways, I am unable to persue a relationship. mainly because of sexuality issues. I was...
Last night me and my husband had a conversation about our problems that was pretty positive. I tried my...
Hey All, First of all to those who read this whole thing because it will be long, Iapplaud you,...
Anybodyalone and feeling sorry for themselves today should take comfort that it's not the worstthing that could happen to...
Possibly triggering
Steph_jn, , Depression, Child, Divorce, Domestic Abuse, Questions, Relationships, Self Esteem, Therapy, Weight Loss, 2Today started out as a good day. I was content if not happy. The weekend had went well. My...
Today was a good day. I got up and got the kids all showered. We had to be out...
so my husband said he wanted a divorce. he said that the more he stayed with me the more...