Hello there, my name is Kali. Not really sure where to begin, I'm erm really tall, kind of awkward,...
Whereismymind, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Eating Disorder, Questions, 0We were driving back from San Diego. I wasn''t really into the whole trip, mostly because I had other...
Very depressed with myself. Everyday I feel I let myself down by filling my face with food. I hate...
I don’t know what I want…
dreamer101, , Anxiety, Eating Disorder, Parenting, Relationships, Stress, Weight Loss, 0Or do I. I'm at this station in my life where I don't know which express to catch. They...
LonelyFemaleForever, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorder, Therapist, Therapy, 0For a new beginning there has to be some goals or important points set i guess. First i...
Happy Yet Sad
Tali_G87, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Child, Eating Disorder, Relationships, Stress, Therapist, Weight Loss, 1The perfect way to describe me right now is from a quote I heard from an HBO show. "Do you...
Well, I’m back at UIW again, have been for the Spring and this semester. I really enjoy it and...
Food., it has a different meaning for everyone. it does different things; some eat for pleasure, others see food...
How can I get out of these “habits”?
Martha_My_Dear, , Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Eating Disorder, Medication, Weight Loss, 2I had a ridiculous evening. I felt rather hungry, but it was after one in the morning, and I...
I feel subtly depressed, not so much as when I was eating sugary cereal this morning. I enjoyed the...