Today, It’s all a blur, coming and going in and out of my head! Was it me that lived...
i went to my tudor england prof’s office hours today to talk about my grades and getting an a...
Fearful of emptiness
patrick2009, , Depression, Addiction, Anger, Child, Depression, Forgiveness, Grief, Hoarding, Parenting, Self Esteem, 012:30 pm feeling afraid of the emptiness, feeling like there is a hole in my soul, Need to work...
redhead20, , Depression, Anger, Child, Depression, Grief, Hoarding, Medication, Religion, Therapist, 0Things are a lot better than before, I’m on prozac and I feel that’s worked when everything else I’ve...
I am…at it again
iam, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Domestic Abuse, Hoarding, Medication, Suicide, Weight Loss, 0I had a few good days…exercising regularily, showering without breakdowns, driving without breakdowns and then i noticed no one...
To all my beautiful,caring friends,at Dtribe. Thankyou so very much for your messages. They mean everything to me at...