I could say a lot of things about my bf and call him all the names under the sun...
He has no boundaries
alwayssad1707, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Divorce, Infidelity, Obesity, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, Therapy, 6Well yesterday me and my husband got into a huge argument. Friday night i had a bad feeling about...
Unable to cope
hardtimescircleround, , Anxiety, Anxiety, Divorce, Domestic Abuse, Infidelity, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 1I don't know how I got here. So I can't figure out how to ge back out. in the...
Crazy emotions
naomijane, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Infidelity, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Social Anxiety, 0I've been feeling very angry lately, mainly at myself for a lot of the stupid things i've done..il explain...
Yep. Get out there and enjoy life!
deidrexx, , Depression, Addiction, Depression, Infidelity, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, 0Sure, that is what they all tell me. Get up, get out, join something DO something. Stop feeling sorry...
There is no mood in that mood box that can describe the way I feel right now…defeated, broken, hopeless,...
Unrelated to the OCD, but wow.
Misconceptions, , OCD, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Child, Depression, Divorce, Infidelity, Obesity, Parenting, Personality Disorder, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 0Ever since I've moved out of the family home it just seems like the family is fallen apart. Sure,...
Hello and good day!
Halogen25, , Anxiety, Anger, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Grief, Infidelity, Stress, Weight Loss, 0Today I wanted to talk about Mode of Operation. M.O is how we deal with everything bases on our...
I have been battling depression for as long as I can remember. Three and a half years ago, I...
Why am I wasting my life like this? Made such an ass out of myself with the British guy...