Peer-to-peer support group for individuals living with the daily challenge of depression or bipolar disorder.
Social support is critical to depression recovery. Depression and bipolar disorder, by their nature, are isolating illnesses. Connecting with individuals who understand firsthand can be an important step toward cultivating a new healthier life.
The Tribe offers its depression support group members a convenient and safe place to connect, share stories and encouragement.
Members of our depression support group will have access to the latest in social network technology including a dedicated activity stream, forum and chat room. In addition members can participate in the larger wellness challenge through our inspirational wellness tools: wellness tracker, friend reminders, mood mapping and sending kudos.
On occasion everyone feels sad or blue, but these feelings are usually temporary –lasting only a few days. If feelings of depression last for an extended period of time, interfere with daily life and normal functioning you may be suffering from a depressive disorder. Depression is a common but serious illness, and most who experience it need some form of help or treatment to get better.
Depression affects close to 10% of the population. Women experience depression at roughly twice the rate of men. However, intensive research into the illness has resulted in the development of medications, psychotherapies, as well as a variety of self-help techniques that have proven to be very effective in the treatment of depression.
There are several forms of depressive disorders. Read more about depression and the symptoms, causes and treatment options associated with this disabling disorder in our depression therapy section. >

Looking for professional help with depression and/or bipolar disorder? Search our directory of mental health professionals for an experienced depression therapist in your area.