Join our free wellness support community.

Helping People Connect & Find Support Since 2006.


The road to mental health begins with you; but it helps to know you’re not alone. At TherapyTribe, we believe that individuals become empowered to help themselves and others when they feel a part of something larger. Our free online support community offers members a convenient and safe place to connect. We’ve combined members from five long-standing support websites to create one fantastic wellness community. Join the larger conversation on wellness and peer support, or limit your interactions to your core support group(s) – the choice is yours.

  • Group logo of AddictionTribe+ 21812
    active 2 hours, 57 minutes ago
    Peer-to-peer support group for individuals and loved ones in the process of on-going addiction recovery.
    Public Group
  • Group logo of AnxietyTribe+ 81710
    active 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
    Peer-to-peer support group for those coping with fear and stress associated with various anxiety disorders.
    Public Group
  • Group logo of DepressionTribe+ 86436
    active 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
    Peer-to-peer support group for those living with the daily challenge of depression or bipolar disorder.
    Public Group
  • Group logo of HIV/AidsTribe+ 12867
    active 2 hours, 57 minutes ago
    Peer-to-peer support for individuals or family living with HIV/AIDS, newly diagnosed to long-term survivors.
    Public Group
  • Group logo of LGBTribe+ 33801
    active 2 hours, 59 minutes ago
    Peer-to-peer support group for individuals living as LGBT – lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning.
    Public Group
  • Group logo of MarriageFamilyTribe+ 11295
    active 2 hours, 57 minutes ago
    Peer-to-peer support group for those managing the joys & challenges of marriage & raising a family.
    Public Group
  • Group logo of OCDTribe+ 25469
    active 2 hours, 57 minutes ago
    Peer-to-peer support group for those facing daily thoughts and compulsions from an obsessive compulsive disorder.
    Public Group
  • Group logo of TeenTribe+ 29706
    active 23 hours, 53 minutes ago
    Peer-to-peer support group for teens with mental health challenges &/or difficult family dynamics.
    Public Group

Join us today and experience the power of community. Welcome to The Tribe!







The latest in social network technology carefully tailored to create an environment of support and encouragement.

Wellness Tree

Grow your own personal wellness tree by completing fun and inspiring activities, making connections and helping others!

Mood Map

Chart your mood daily, weekly, monthly and see trends overtime to learn what causes your personal highs and lows.

Chat Rooms

Chat live with your select support group members – tell stories, give support or simply hangout together.

Member Blog

Tell your story, speak your mind, inspire, vent – blogging can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and inspiring others.

Group Forum

Find answers by browsing topics members have curated overtime. Or, post a new topic for the group to discuss.


You select whom you share your stories with – friends only, select group(s) or the wellness community at large.


Send and receive praise for completing a wellness activity or posting thoughtful messages within the community.


Post updates, check messages, and use our wellness tool when and where you need – on the go, at home, at work…


For many, our website is therapeutic. However, it is not intended to be a substitute for professional therapy.

If you suffer from a serious mental illness it is important you seek help from a healthcare professional

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Or please call a 24-hour helpline

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