The Wind:


 By: R.L.(Stone) Arocha:

     What is the wind?

     Have you ever wondered what it is, where it comes from? Is it perennial, or does it disappear only to be reincarnated by the continuous pounding of the tides upon the shore? Do tempests over the oceans create it to send ahead as a warning that something evil, something dangerous is coming?

     Is it a caressing entity like the rain? That quenches our souls when we seek relief from an unbearable heat that suffocates us. Or, is it an invisible stalker? Piercing our frail bodies like a knife with its frigid bite, like a beast tracking down on its prey?

    Did Vikings, whose minds knew nothing but how to kill, raise their sails? Using the force of it to travel the seas to new lands where they conquered enemies they never knew they had. Those who did not appear as they did. People, who had no idea that by the next rising of the sun, they themselves, would be nothing more then a memory.

     Do shouts of their victories still echo upon it? While the screams of women and children, violated by grotesque extraordinary giant warriors from a strange land, are slashed from their throats by weapons incongruously forged.

     Does it carry the final cries of ancient mariners, the lost lovers of wives who stood on the widows’ walk searching desperately the night for any sign of life? While their children, gathered at their side, shed tears never to be dried by the hands of a loving father.

     Is the wind we breathe today, the same that filtered through the great armies of Genghis Khan and Alexander? Massive juggernauts that carved paths of destruction wherever they marched? Leaving behind the funeral pyres of those who fought in vain to resist the genocide pressed upon them. Though death, with its distinctive smell wreaks upon the wind. Has it disappeared with the passing of so many seasons or has it become so familiar to us that we no longer recognize the scent of it?

     Some say the wind is the continuing breath of GOD whom breathed life into dust creating MAN. Others insist it is the still remains of when the universe exploded into existence.

     No one can truly know the answer to that. Nevertheless, what ever it is, it is alive. It continually traverses the world, shaping it, changing it. That which you had seen yesterday and remembered, is different today. And, what you have seen today will no longer exist tomorrow. Our mind eye is convinced that nothing changes, but the wind is a beast upon itself. Whenever we blink and look away, the wind has ever so gently scraped away a layer of what was.

     There is no other life like it. Nothing else unseen can equal it. Though you think it gone, behind you, it stalks and in front of you, it thrives.

     Maybe next time, you are standing staring out at the world. Close your eyes when you feel the start of a breeze touch your skin. Imagine where it has been, what else it has touched. Who else closed their eyes and did the same.

©R.L.(Stone) Arocha:

December 11th, 2008 – 4:35 p.m.

©-®™ StoneCross Writing-Unlimited: 1978 – 2008


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