Life has been pretty easy, till recently.  Fortunately, I am finding a small group of support, and moving forward.  Enclosed is a link to a youcaring account- if you are able to help with a situation, awesome, if you are looking for friends, awesome, if I can be encouragement- even better.

If I learned anything from HIV, you can\’t do it alone.  I\’ve tried for a long time, and realize I need emotional support as well.  I have always been the caregiver, ignoring my needs, as I\’ve always gotten through before.  At certain points in life, I\’ve realized how isolating this can be.

Recently, I\’ve turned over a new leaf, it\’s time to find more support, be more supportive, and understanding that my privacy can still be mine, by seeking out like minded people in similar situations.  That\’s power for me.

About me, I\’m a 46 year old gay dad, no mom, just us guys.  I have raised my son alone, since day one… and in all honesty, it\’s 110% the best decision I\’ve ever made.  Family is important to me, and I lost family over being gay.  So many times I was asked \’don\’t you want children?\’ Of course I did- and I have the best son ever!

Life has been difficult the past couple of months, I never realized how much life could change so quickly.  Fortunately, I found some emotional support for the changes in my life, and I will keep moving forward.

I am glad I came to realize a long time ago, that parents shouldn’t share adult worries with children, a need to know basis works best, age appropriate.  My son hasn’t noticed any change in our lives, and I am doing my best to protect him from change.

Anyone with advice is always welcome.




1 Comment
  1. bridgie101 8 years ago

    I am so very sorry to hear about your situation but very happy that you and your partner have managed to have a lovely, lovely child.

    You’re right about not sharing adult worries with children. My rule of thumb is ‘if there’s nothing this person can do to fix the problem, I am not going to burden them with the problem.’

    0 kudos

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