So I started-up my exercises again and it feels good to be tired. It gives me something to complain about at work and lets me close my eyes a bit. This way, all I may think about is sleeping instead of other things.
On a different note, I’ve been reading some posts on this site and feel sad for a lot of you. I wished there was something that I could do but all I can do is pray, which may be more helpful than other things. The world is filled with evil and it feels like an uphill struggle at times with it.
I’ve had my good days and bad and do my best to be on the good side more than the other. Just today I helped a girl bring up boxes to the 2nd floor at my work as I was walking into the building we work in this morning. The “good” part I think about is that she is someone who is not liked at all by many people since she can be mean but I put that aside today since I saw her struggling. The only thing that I hope is that she takes my extension of kindness and does that to another.
I wonder if reaching out to people in kindness when they need it is like planting a seed of hope in that others will pass on the good deed. I’ve been struggling these past 8 months or so with what I want to do with my life because I’m not happy where I’m at now. Work stinks and so that makes things difficult for me. Maybe this “good deed” thing is a partial solution to what I want to do with my life. It’s an honorable thing that hardly ever gets any credit but that’s good for me since I don’t want to be noticed. Just last night my daughter told me that I always take care of her like a princess so maybe that’s one of the reasons why I am on this topic of good.
Well enough about my thoughts, I hope everyone is doing well today and finds their inner strength to overcome any obstacles that may arise today.
Hope a good one,
1 Comment
  1. irvineguy 14 years ago

    That\'s good to hear, neontraveler! It\'s always a good thought as well.

    0 kudos

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