I don’t think we should be giving eachother ruts that make you breed as an attack in a fight. Theres nothing wrong with fighting though. There ARE other tools, other hits. theres fighting but it could all be playfighting with a bit of a scare to get through you learn your lesson in and it doesnt have to be all scare and one play at the end when you win. Thats hard but im just saying playfighting is nice unless ur forcing urself to attack the hardest one to approach. Thats just fun. You know when u crease its not an akward unapproachable hit. Unless its an akwar d crease then just drop ur crease already. Drop, crease, crease, hold the crease, shit he just one kill punched me 100 times real fast, (Dido made me forget the end but check out her site the last part of the blog is on there) its on ace – net. Like the tracklists sorry. Like people stealing names from u, not good with names. Some psycho guitar teacher i know but not well tries to do the office quirk names forgetting thing with life itself. No wonder he cant play! I forgot that last bit also.


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