The principles of the 12 steps can be very difficult or very simple to understand. This is an effort...
Principles of the 12 steps
jjrocksarizona, , Addiction, Addiction, Career, Forgiveness, Personality Disorder, Questions, Religion, 0The principles of the 12 steps can be very difficult or very simple to understand. This is an effort...
Again I got up early this morning to take my friend to work. He says his car is supposed...
Always remember that the Narcotics Anonymous program is based entirely on personal freedom, individual responsibility, and equality. The only...
Always remember that the Narcotics Anonymous program is based entirely on personal freedom, individual responsibility, and equality. The only...
Humore in Recovery
jjrocksarizona, , Addiction, Addiction, Child, Depression, Grief, PTSD, Religion, Suicide, 0Just trying to put a smile on your face and to tell you not to take life so seriously....
Humore in Recovery
jjrocksarizona, , Addiction, Addiction, Child, Depression, Grief, PTSD, Religion, Suicide, 0Just trying to put a smile on your face and to tell you not to take life so seriously....
Narcotics Anonymous suggestions to put to use in everyday life If you don't pick up that first drug, you...
Narcotics Anonymous suggestions to put to use in everyday life If you don't pick up that first drug, you...