Please leave me alone

I desire no contact.

  How many times do I have to move?

I don’t care if you  are doing well or poorly.

Let us co exist on the same planet and not interact.

Stop wasting the police departments time and sending them to do wellness checks on me.

You don’t care about me and never have but you want power and control.

I hope that you lose your ability to drive to give me peace of mind since you won’t respect boundaries.

If you show up here, I will press charges for trespassing and get a restraining order.   I hope you end up in jail over you disturbing my peace and others who know me.

I will explain it in terms you might understand.

You are not wanted in my life.

Stay away.

  1. ruslan-kurganov 1 month ago

    Ummm. You okay?

    0 kudos
    • Author
      lacey7 1 month ago

      Being stalked is terrible!

      I have moved twice.

      The stalker harasses my neighbors, ruins my friendships, folllows me when I am driving….

      It is horrible.

      I would like for this person to stop.

      0 kudos

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