These things are bothering me

– the arrogant and rude dentist and front office staff experience  that recently happened while I hunt for a dental office that is decent

– the situation with ———.   It is concerning and I can’t fix it for them

– rude and unfriendly people  in public.

– I feel lonely sometimes living here and loved ones are so far away.   Yet, I don’t like the US state that  they live in.   We existed there for 10 bad years    Yet, we are too far if they need us here

– The Summer is dragging on for too long for me.    I am ready for cozy fireplace weather!

– ———— is a ————- but acted as if they were sincere.    It is concerning and I liked it better before I knew the truth about them   I am glad the truth came out though



Now good things




clean drinking water


Soft clothes

comfortable neutral colored sandals

organized car

I can see, smell, taste,  eat, drink, walk, climb stairs, knit, sew, sketch,

own a dog stroller to use for our dog



mint tooth paste

pink tooth brushes


ability to decorate

House plants

watering cans

chilly mornings and evenings in the summer


scented candles

silky pillow cases

birds chirping outside

Ability to learn and gain wisdom from life experiences

ability to speed read and comprehend

my eye color

headache bean packs




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