That's the question I have tonight, especially after having my parents here for several hours today.  My Dad was working on my traverse rod in the living room and my Mom was helping me pick up foam pieces that have been on the floor of the dining room for months.  The very messy remains of a craft project of my Daughter's.  Not to be alone here was delightful.  99% of the time my Daughter is upstairs in her room.  It gets me thinking.  What I really wish I had was someone to keep me company in my house.  I need to be here because of my Daughter and her disability…..only in the sense that she gets very lonely to the point it is unbearable to her.  Seems like I can stay away one night, but that is it. Wish I could meet a nice guy who could move in, lol.  Right…ha!!  BUT, my second husband did just THAT…he without my  wanting him to, moved in!!  That was a while ago and I had was at a different place in my life.  Maybe I will meet someone who will be comfortable with me in "my" place.  As I clean up my house, maybe it won't look as scary to people.  On the other hand, maybe some day I will end up in someone else's house and my Daughter will have a bedroom there.  I have to think positive.  And when I date again, I am not going to feel funny about saying where I work or that I work part-time.  If someone wants more info, if I don't feel a real connection with them, then I'm just not going to share.  some people before were very rude….especially a guy who asks if I felt I would have anything to offer in an evening conversation after only working at the store, versus working in an office like he did…..he was a creep!

Still not ready to go on-line yet.  I don't know why that is…..I was never like that before….just don't want to …..anybody understand that? I don't.

1 Comment
  1. ancientgeekcrone 9 years ago

    I took in a bright lively student. It works for me.

    0 kudos

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