She asked my husband to save her from her poor choice of having this adult child being her power of attorney and take over

She wants this sister, in addition to his other one taken out of her will.

My husband has had to block all of his siblings from his cell phone because of their mass bullying.

Two think their mom is wealthy and are drooling over their possible inheritance.

My husband’s brother wanted to know how much money his mom has in savings. He is out of work and was bullying my husband before he became blocked on his phone.

The sister of his who threatened to end her life and her own and made a plan on how to do it was phone harassing my husbands phone before she was blocked

His mom always treated me poorly from day one.  So I don’t care

As a result, the retirement home that he found for her is hours away from where we live and he hasn’t even been there to see her or seen the facility with his own eyes.

If she hadn’t of been so hateful to myself and our children, it could be much different for her now.

We could have made sure she was in a home near us, we would be visiting and checking on her on purpose and I would care.

It wasn’t wise for his mom let me know that she knew that my husband and I won’t last from the day she me and tell the others that they don’t need to worry about it. She said this when I first met all of his relatives.

Look at her life now.

It is what it is.

I don’t care as long as well.

It has been interesting to sit back not carrying watching her poor choices play out.

Thanks for joining me by reading the real life updates of “The Days of Her Life.”

The really interesting twist is that when his mom passes away, my husband is not going to attend her funeral.

I don’t think that his mom “won” the battle against me in her son’s life by her own choices.

Someone once asked me how his mom is doing, my response was that I don’t know, they need to ask someone who is on her inner circle, not me.

Her choices and judging of character of good people that she has and had in her life, not wise.

She thought she was punishing me for not welcoming me into “her family.”

She instead punished herself

She instead offers me free entertainment of seeing her life from afar and being grateful she didn’t hide her dislike of me.

My husband’s and I’s offspring? Well all and none of them  invited and /or plan on inviting his mom to their weddings.

His mom opted to spent his childhood drunk.

She is a terrible cook, vain for no reason, a horrible house keeper, and is hateful

He was humiliated by the messy home he grew up in and was embarrassed by his drink and sloppy looking mom.

Life isn’t always a Hallmark movie

Others unwise choices don’t define your worth though





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