

Life comes with obstacles,



Obstacles that must be pursued,



No matter how rough the obstacle,



No matter how long and how tough the walk 



You will succeed by trying your best,



Failure does not exist if you try,



Taking “one day at a time,



You cannot change the past,



The best is yet to come,



The present is now,



Focus and work on the present,



Success will follow in the future,



Focus on the goals that you create for yourself,



Change is wonderful,



Do not fear change,



Change is wonderful,



Today is the beginning to a new destiny,



The mind is a powerful tool that has the strength to achieve,



Create a plan to help you achieve what destiny has in store for you



You are who want to be



You can succeed,



Believe in yourself and focus on the positive aspects of life,




Take “one step at a time”,




And focus on what you have, not what you do not have,




Life is what you make it,




So look at the positive and over power the negative,




You control your life,



Life does not control you.

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