Not even sure how to let it make sense in my useless brain.  My g/f is in a rehab hospital for kids with with traumatic brain injurys.  No idea how long she will be there, but I\\\’m going to wait.  I took a job, mainly as a way to keep my mind off her…and yet I wanted to  see why she did what she did.   Well it was a lot of fun, not what I expected.  Made some good money, made a lot of connections, kinda thinking of just giving up this life, my room and just go on the road…no cares, no worries.  I did a 30 hour thing in a hotel at a truck stop.  Saw as many guys as I could in that time.  Most were really nice guys….not the pretty boys im used to…but men…hard working men… most of them said nice things to me…thanked me…left me tips…asked to see me again….Made me feel sexy, useful, wanted.  I can now see why she liked doing it.  They made me feel valuable.  even though I was just a piece, they didnt do the degrading thing, the put downs, really didnt try to hurt me….they were in a hurry, wanted their needs met, so I did.  In a way…it felt good and fun….I was able to let my inner slut out to go play and just let loose…no need for inhibitions or shame or what will people think.  Even though I do escorting, so I know what I am….this adventure can just be my little secret, no need to let others know, my alter ego was allowed to get out and play, and we both liked it….Liked it a lot.  And the money made it even better, made enough to take a few nights off and just chill….and let the soreness go away, lol.


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