
I\’m relapsing again lol.

I was helping my friend on her server, and someone posted some messed up stuff so we banned them! but then the person kept harassing us and everyone in the server.

We made a plan to stop it somehow, so I joined their server after going undercover as a problematic person with things they like.

But then they sent some stuff that fucked me up, I\’ve seen lots of things ranging from (attempted) murders in person, I\’ve dated drug dealers, stalkers, and abusers who have tried to kill me, but what they sent messed me up more than all the other stuff I\’ve gone through.

I know people would normally say \”This must be so bad if it really bugged you over the rest of that stuff!\”. uh, yeah. this shit they sent would send you to prison for years for just owning it. I hope they die and get what they deserve.

This shit made me relapse after being a few months clean again, and when I relapse, I relapse on hard.


anyways! first blog on the run :3


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