Flora McSol lived a whole,
Life as a generous soul.
She gave it her all,
In spite of some stalls.
And lived happy and healthy and long.
I read a lot of comments regarding living life, loving and growing. And a lot of comments regarding the loss or absence of the same. To which I offer a difficultly easy perspective :dizzy:.
It's not so much that we have one path in life (and that being life itself), but two responsibilities we owe while walking the path. One to ourselves, and one to others. However both are intertwined.
Each day, a plant grows slowly. And when watched, it can be recorded that the growth always leans towards the sun. As the sun moves across the sky, the plant follows it as if slowly turning it's head to watch it during it's arch. It does this so it derives the most benefit during the cycle.
You should do the same. You will meet many people in your life. Not all of them will provide you with sunshine. The ones that do, if you focus your attention towards them, will provide you with the most benefit and optimal growth. People that cast dark shadows, or offer no light for your personal growth, are not the ones you should direct your attention to. We are like plants in this regard. Sunlight for growth is not an option, but a requirement. It is a responsibility we have to ourselves.
The other responsibility we have, is quite frankly, returning the favor. The people that have generously provided you with light for your own growth, deserve to receive your light in return. And you not only owe it to them, but to yourself, to provide the very best sunlight you can muster. For as they grow, they can provide you better light and visa versa.
If you direct your sunlight to a rock, the only thing that is going to happen is the rock will get hot (think about that for a second). There will be no growth, and certainly nothing in return. There will always be rocks around us, but when you see them, remember that just as one man's trash is another man's treasure; one person's rock may be another one's sun.
However, if there are so many rocks around you that you have trouble growing, perhaps it's time for a little self gardening. And perhaps a good look at where your directing YOUR light is in order.
Once you have a healthy environment for growth, not only for your self, but for your “path-partners”. Some rocks may take notice and turn their attention towards you. This is a most wondrous thing about life. Rocks can't turn their attention. So by examples led, a morphogenesis can occur where a rock may change (if it chooses to), eventually, into a Flora McSol.
This is also a big part of what I call the Essence of Christianity
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