I have finally came to the conclution of this story. The poor suspect is dead.

I was with my old ex one night going to a session of drinking. Yes I still drink. Yes, I know it’s bad for me. But, I have to keep sane. So, we were talking about my condition. I told all my ex’s to protect them. Out of the blue he told me about our common friend who just suddenly disappeared a few months ago. How all were talking about the benefit show they put together for him. A mysterious illness have befallen him and he is no where to be found. Well everyone thinks he’s dead and that he got the AIDS.

It struck me like Zeus’s lightning bolt to my chest. I had sex with him ones. I was top but it was unprotected. That was during the time I was single before my 3 yr relationship. I did notice the change in him but I was too afraid to suspect. I was an idiot. The only time I did unsafe sex was with a positive. Darn. What luck. I was so stupid to think that since I was top I had the least risk of getting it. Wrong wrong wrong….

I called my 3 yr ex and tried to scare him so he get tested. (oops, time for magic pill)

He did get tested.

I got medically induced anemia. LamiZido or ATZ (or whatnot) affects the body’s absorption of B12, and other anemia inducing effects. So I had to go through a series of blood transfusion. My ex wanted to donate. To do so, he has to get tested. He did. He was NEGATIVE. My world crumbled to dust. I never felt so alone. Yes, I wanted my ex to be positive so we can stay together till the end. Cynical love, I know. It was the first time I cried after learning I have HIV.

The funny thing is, he was never allowed to donate because he was gay. Hahahaha… Honestly… Discrimination.

So that ends my detective story. The suspect dead. My ex negative. I am happy.

1 use protection ALWAYS
2 use protection ALWAYS
3 use protection ALWAYS

Busted Self Myths:
1 being top does NOT make you immune to HIV
2 Having HIV partner does NOT make you positive
3 Doing it once unprotected makes transmission unlikely, and doing it a lot makes it easily transmitted. No! You can never tell. Use protection ALWAYS.

Love’s lessons:
1 do not use pity to keep your guy
2 let go. It’s for the best
3 New and better love will come even after HIV


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