Everyday I sit and wonder what is the purpose of life. I recently moved to a new state with no friends nor family. I work in a corporate office and I struggle with my purpose of life. I do not understand the purpose of living. I do not understand the reasons why we work so hard and in the end we die.

Every weekday I wake up for work and count down the days until Friday. On Monday I am drowsy and irritable because it is the dreaded Monday of course. By Wednesday I am a little happier because it’s hump day! Friday finally arrives and I am thankful for being able to sleep in. I do nothing on the weekend but watch netflix and catch up on sleep. (I suffer from anxiety and insomnia so I don’t get much during the week). The weekend is usually a blur and then Sunday comes and I am upset that yet again I have to prepare for another meaningless week.

Is this what life is about? Counting down the days until Friday every week? If this is what life is about then why are we living? Are we simply existing? We work at jobs that have no purpose to us except being able to keep a roof over our head. Then hopefully retire at 65? At an age when our memory starts to fade and the weakness in our bodies makes all the wealth we acquired difficult to enjoy.

Our whole life is centered around acquiring wealth to pay for  debt that we acquired. Which some of us are never able to pay off. Then when we die, there won’t be a legacy. We were simply a number in a million dollar company most of our life, counting down the days until Friday.  So why do we live if we are only existing?

1 Comment
  1. delane 8 years ago

    You hit the nail on the head!
    Tooti, i can still remember the countless hours, days, and weeks that turned into years of seemingly endless struggle for a reason i had no clue. It still seems to linger, most days, although now that i’m in my mid-40s, and have been disabled for almost two decades, now, i can see the other end of that spectrum, too. *sigh We all tend to experience a time in our lives when we question our existence or the purpose of any existence. For whatever reason, and however it may someday get resolved, internally, i really hope this doesn’t last long for you!
    …might even be worth talking to a therapist about?

    0 kudos

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