I don’t think you realize how damaged our relationship has become since coming out to you and Mom


I had not planned for it to happen that night but I felt my hand forced when you said “Trans is a mental health disorder.”. You noticed how visibly upset when I walked off and you followed me asking to talk to you and Mom why I had that big of a reaction. I knew that was no way but to be honest after hearing something so hurtful from you.


You absolutely dominated the conversation constantly interrupting me. I told you two I’ve had gender dysphoria since I was 22 and you did me to tell Mom what that is. I told you Gender Dysphoria is the correct diagnosis in the DSM and you stopped me to ask what a DMS is. I told you and pulled up the Mayo clinic website which you dismissed. I tried to explain what intersex is because we actually knew a family with an intersex child born with both genitals. I asked how far fetched it is that the brain developed as female if the body can’t agree and you completely glossed over the question and didn’t answer it.


I eventually got fed up and dropped participating in the conversation because I could not get my feelings out without being interrupted. I went to bed silently crying and I just wanted to have my voice heard so I wrote you the message. You acknowledged you got it in the morning and said because it was long you’d take a look at it later and respond. You didn’t respond back 3 months and only then because Mom told you to. During that time my anxiety has given me many sleepless nights with nightmares going to worse case scenarios.


You said you would support me no matter my decision but how would you honestly feel if I did transition and identified as a woman? Your opinion and beliefs make assumptions about a person’s intent being malicious in nature as a pass to express how they feel on the inside is based solely on fear and judgment. Would that mean if we were out you would not want me going into the women’s washrooms?


It is a scary time for trans and gender queer people. Family and friends disowning them. Public shaming, physical assaults, and perverted predators called chasers. Then you have the permanent effects of HRT for trans women it is breast growth, penile and testicle atrophy, lower libedo, muscle loss, thinning skin, fat redistribution, and an emotional response more aligned with a female. What sort of person would want any of those for the right to use their preferred bathroom?


If I could have turned this off in my 20s I would have because I’ve lived a long time with guilt and shame eventhough there is nothing wrong with being different. I am finally starting to accept myself and why do others feel they have the right to my happiness.



1 Comment
  1. iris-dar 3 months ago

    Hey Link to the past, I know part of what you are going through… Being transgender can be frightening!
    It can be exhausting to constantly always be on the lookout. Do you have some friends you can go out with, people who know how you feel? Someone who understands that who you are on the inside does not depend on how you look on the outside. Church”s ? Community centers…? Libraries?
    I really do not know how to find places away from home where you can feel accepted. It all depends on where you live… I do not even know where to look, to find a place. I do not like who I see at times when I am looking in the mirror. Other times I feel okay, each day is different.
    I am in a very rural area, so I know it will be a long trip to get to any people I feel safe with.
    For me it took time, a lot of time and patience… before i felt accepted for who I am. Some still don’t tolerate me, or treat me with kindness. Which is why I moved. Therapy helps me a lot, do you have someone close you can talk to?
    I wish I knew the right words to say, to help the hurting, hurt less.. 🙂 My heart goes out to you, and I hope you can eventually have a family who realizes who you are on the inside does not change, even if the outside does. You have been kind to me and I suspect that at your core you are courageous and caring. 🙂
    I like your heart, your wit and your friendship. Wondering how in the world I could show my gratitude in return. Sending you some hope and hugs – Iris

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