Dear mother of my husband

Tonight he told me how long it has been since he has talked to you.

I shrugged and said that is okay.

He said, “Well, she hasn’t called me either.”

If you would have have decent to me, it wouldn’t be this way!

I win every time he doesn’t call you, doesn’t go visit you, and bonus now he isn’t even going to your funeral.

Did you “win” by being hateful?

No, if you only knew how much better this stage of life could be for you.

Why? I don’t care about you. I don’t encourage him to do what I would if did care


Update on his mom

Husband’s mom who put her love (if she has any) into the wrong people update.

1. The retirement home she was in temporarily that she wants to stay in is more expensive that the one she was going to live in.

2. She called her son, my husband, strongly hinting to just move in with us. He didn’t offer.

I over heard the call on speaker and visualized what it would have been like to be loved and accepted by her.

If she would have opted to be a loving grandmother to our children, they would care about her now.

She opted for neither.

I would care about her right now even if she would have tried to make our children feel special.

She would at least bare minimum would be in a retirement home near us that we would visit and check on her.

Now, she is either going to have to be moved away from the 1 bedroom apartment options to something more like a hospital room and / or have the same down grade at the other retirement home.

She could have had the five of us caring about her.

She opted to not even be a good mom to my husband. She opted to be selfish and be drunk. Her children were an inconvenience to her.

I would have liked to like and care about her.


Husbands mom is in hiding from former favorite …

Posted on Thu, Jun. 20, 2024 at 07:02 am

Adult children who threatened to murder her

She asked my husband to save her from her poor choice of having this adult child being her power of attorney and take over

She wants this sister, in addition to his other one taken out of her will.

My husband has had to block all of his siblings from his cell phone because of their mass bullying.

Two think their mom is wealthy and are drooling over their possible inheritance.

My husband’s brother wanted to know how much money his mom has in savings. He is out of work and was bullying my husband before he became blocked on his phone.

The one threatened to end her life and her own and made a plan on how to do it.

His mom always treated me poorly from day one.

As a result, the retirement home that he found for her is hours away from where we live and he hasn’t even been there to see her or seen the facility with his own eyes.

If she hadn’t of been so hateful to myself and our children, it could be much different for her now.

We could have made sure she was in a home near us, we would be visiting and checking on her on purpose and I would care.

It wasn’t wise for his mom let me know that she knew that my husband and I won’t last from the day she me and tell the others that they don’t need to worry about it. She said this when I first met all of his relatives.

Look at her life now.

It is what it is.

I don’t care as long as well.

It has been interesting to sit back not carrying watching her poor choices play out.

Thanks for joining me by reading the real life updates of “The Days of Her Life.”

The really interesting twist is that when his mom passes away, my husband is not going to attend her funeral.

I don’t think that his mom “won” the battle against me in her son’s life by her own choices.

Someone once asked me how his mom is doing, my response was that I don’t know, they need to ask someone who is on her inner circle, not me.

Her choices and judging of character of good people i her life, not wise


Dear everyone

Posted on Mon, Jun. 10, 2024 at 09:01 am

My husband felt guilty for blocking his mentally ill sister and horrible brother yesterday but accepting her phone harassment wasn’t going to “help her” instead (or make him not a jerk) it hurt our mental health.

It took away our feelings of peace and contentment seeing toxic messages.

He said that when his mom passes away that he won’t go to her funeral because he doesn’t ever want to be in contact or be in the room with his toxic relatives again.
He is done. : )

We have been through so much with him being “peacemaker” and putting up with so much from them.

He was in denial when I first met him and for many years. He called it a “close family” and I didn’t know how close families work because of the way my relatives are.

He even blamed me for the way his mom treated me for years thinking something I was doing or saying was triggering her verbal abuse.

I never said anything rude to her or was mean. (Nor to any of them). I didn’t lower myself to her or any of their levels but I did refuse to talk to them or be around them.

The fact that he picked a retirement home for his mom hours from us on purpose and they all think we live in Ky is wonderful as well.

Thanks for reading. It has been a journey that many would have ended a relationship over.

Ready set go?

Husbands former nurse sister threatened to murder her mom. The sister was sent to mental hospital for observation. Her alcohol level was high. She was a caregiver for their mom until this happened.

His sister sounds like ehe is on house arrest and isn’t legally allowed to drink or be a caregiver anymore.

Now, her mom wants to legally disown her and cut her off.

His mom stayed in a hotel last night and is moving into a retirement home today.

I helped my husband find one online. He made the calls and faxed all the needed paperwork.

His mom doesn’t want any of her adult children knowing where she is staying except for my husband.

Two of his siblings have banded together to harass him and demand answers and try to boss him around.

He isn’t weak. His mom picked him for a reason. They don’t like it.

What else?

I remember the first thing his mom said when she and the rest of their family met me. She said this as if I wasn’t even there. “Don’t worry it won’t last with her.”

Well my message to his mom now?

Dear female parent to my husband,

You could have been placed in a retirement home near us instead of hours away.

You could have been part of our lives and known our children growing up.

Now, because of putting all your eggs in the same basket and seeing value in the wrong people, you are in this situation.

I am loyal and loving and I wrote you off the day you opted to never get to know me.

I told my husband I would marry him but you and your relatives would not be our problem.

I won’t be a caregiver, errand runner, doctor taking to person etc.

I would have loved to love you. My children would have liked to have a nice grand mother (and relatives)

You really missed out.

Now your final days will be hiding out in a retirement home from your greedy adult off spring and the daughter who wants to kill you.

The son that you trust lives hours away with me and he doesn’t want you in a nursing home near us.

He was in your area with me to see our adult children and he didn’t even call you. He had no desire to go see you either.

The amusing part is one of the greedy adult children has been legally cut off.

You have enough money for living in a retirement home for less than a year.

Then your hoarded up disaster of a house needs sold to pay for the retirement home.

I suspect the house just needs bull dozed down it is so bad


Update and Happy Mother’s Day to all !

I couldn’t make this up.

(From the one who had the in laws as neighbors and moved away)

1. The niece of my husband had yet another baby that she isn’t sure who is the daddy (again)

2. One of husbands sisters loves the poor me role.

The latest

His I am a victim of life sister, picked an argument with her sister, and her sister let her verbally have it.

Boo hoo, sad to be you permanent want be victim sister of husband.

She went to her Mommy and said that her sister was bad and mean to her.

Her mommy agrees and they hate the sister together.

Her mom wants to even sue her daughter for standing up to her precious favorite one.

Most children in grade school tend to be more mature than his family!

I couldn’t make this stuff up.


Happy Mother’s Day evening to all the moms, pet moms and single dads!


I figured you our sister of husband!

Here it is…

My husband’s role in the base family was peacemaker.

You, sister of husband, consider yourself to be a professional victim.

The goal in life you just achieved by talking your mom into disinheriting your sister and being the favorite was tainted by receiving news of life ending health condition.

Now, you have burned so many people out who used to feel sorry for you.

It is insane that you texted my husband that he needs to move back to take care of you and your mom.

We moved away on purpose. He doesn’t want want to live near you or any of your relatives.

Sister of husband, I guess having good material for playing victim and being Mommy’s favorite wasn’t all you thought it would be.

Did you think that my husband would be able to save you from yourself?

Not dear one

Just no


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