So, I have come to realize that I have a problem just being able to sit still with myself and my family. I am constantly on the go, doing something, going to see someone, going to buy something, spending money I truly don't have and just all around way too busy way too often. Now, is this a problem, or just part of my character, I wonder? I like being busy, I keep my attention focused on my program, I am connected with God, I help others…but I know when I am in a store for the 4th or 5th time in a month using my credit card to buy more clothes (my latest rationalization is that I have dropped 2 sizes and don't have any clothes that fit me) that this may be turning into an obsession. Not only do I get to be distracted from life and my feelings by shopping, but I get to stay busy and not have to sit with myself. Now, this would be all well if I had the money in the bank to cover this type of therapy, but I just don't. It hit me last night that this may be becoming unmanagable and that I may have to put the credit card away. Oh but wait, there's more! See, I'm expecting a little bit of money to be coming my way soon, not sure how much, but it will be probably just enough to cover my current credit card bill. Again, more justification that I can spend just a little more, one more pair of jeans, one more pair of shoes, one more pair of slacks…while my husband sits at home most of the time because he puts the food on the table and can't really afford to pay his part of the mortgage and put gas in his truck to go and do things himself. I'm feeling selfish and self-centered, which is the core of my disease, and it doesn't feel good at all. So, I'm going to take this one day at a time and just worry about today. I'm going to stay home, hopefully, and try to keep myself busy here doing things that don't cost money. Thanks for listening and wish me luck!
Scribbles From A Spiritual Slacker
bhaktamichael, , Addiction, 0
Feathers iridescentAchingly greenCavorting and HoveringIn the air besidethe mandirThe plumed devoteesOf the LordFill the skyWith raucousJoyous cries Yesterday the...
29 lines to make you smile
jjrocksarizona, , Addiction, 0
TWENTY NINE LINES TO MAKE YOU SMILE 1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences.. He thought...
nextdooraddict, , Addiction, Addiction, Career, Relationships, 1
Were to begin this story? I have a lot to say so let me start at a point that...
Sitting, Wondering and Scared
ability2bme, , Addiction, Relationships, 1
So I am sitting her having a lot of feelings. I am sad, scared and very lonely. Through the...
What i lerned from my “lapse”
Irony, , Addiction, Addiction, 0
long story short, i relapsed after staying for a few months and istarted to giveup on mysef and look...
Serenity Prayer: Tool for Emotional Health
JanWSOS, , Addiction, Religion, Spirituality, 0
The Serenity Prayer is a well known spiritual tool used in 12 Step recovery whose origins are unclear. Most...
Recovery and Reality
JanWSOS, , Addiction, Addiction, Anxiety, Spirituality, 1
I remember in my recovery from addiction, and have remarked about this before in this blog, wondering if there...
Tidbits of how I gotto where I am today…
Johnm3, , Addiction, Questions, 1
Well welcome to my head! Sit down, strap in, put your helmet on cause this rollercoaster can get crazy!...