unless its here on earth…yes I know it sounds strange, but there you are, thats how I see things…and to be perfectly honest…well…I seem to be proven right time and again.  I knew Friday was not gonna be good…first off when I dropped my son off at work he said they\'d be gettin\' off early…gave me the number to call him later on so I could pick him up….well, I guess Ive been pretty tired, cause I fell asleep around 11am and woke up at 12;30…couldnt find the damn number anywhere, so I jumped in the truck and headed out to Talladega…when I got there he says the boss said were working a little later…well thats just great…so I went window shopping at the Dollar General…I had to kill some time somehow…wouldnt you know they were having a great sale…dammit! they always do when Im broke…anyway, I went back to the shop and waited on them to finish delivering a set of cabinets….a couple hours later they get back…so …on to the bank to cash his check, and on the way home he wants to stop at the store…hell I knew what that meant…he\'s been sober for 3 or 4 months, but only because he\'s been out of work…I say please dont get any beer…which causes a fuss…so he gets his damn beer…wants to go to the rent to own…go there and after about an hour, decides he doesnt want anything….well, that was a hell of a lot of fun…then to walmart…he gets a x box 360… and a couple things we needed…coffee toilet paper…you know the drill…then he wants to go across town to rent a game, gears of war…well ok,,,so we go there and wouldnt you know they didnt have it…so he got fear…some kind of scary game…and a movie called 23…I have yet to finish watching it…I keep falling asleep when its on…So now comes all the fun ….opening up the box, nothing like new electronics to get a guy all excitied…well Im pretty tired, so I fell asleep… he woke me up wanting to go to Mc Donalds or Taco Bell,,,but he couldnt make up his mind…I could tell he was so drunk I was fixin\' to be in a hell of a lot of trouble…he says what do you want mom…well I just got woke up so Im not even thinking of food….and I know whatever I say will be the wrong freakin answer…so I say how about McDonalds, I\'ll just get some fries…Im not too hungry…beeeep! wrong answer!!!!…so then he starts freakin out about every thing…taco bell, mc donalds, his son, my dirty dishes…you name it hes trippin\' on it…and he has that crazy look in his eyes…now he\'s mad at me for askin\' to go to mc donalds…I said I didnt ask to go, you woke me up and asked me to go…OH HELL NO!!! I must be crazy trying to mess with his mind….and I realize Im fixin to have to get the hell out of here…but you know a mean drunk seems to read your mind…so you have to be tricky…I cant get to the phone, its by him…and my cell has no minutes…if I grab my purse he\'ll know I gonna leave…but thats all I can do…grab my purse and get the hell out…get in the truck, and you know, its like being in a scary movie, cause he gets in before I can even lock the door…oh God…there is nothing to do but get out…cause theres no telling what he\'ll do if I try and drive…probably try and wreck me…so I get out…and he starts pitchin\' a fit…and there is nothing i can do except try and get to the landlords house….hoping he wont come after me…I get over there and I just stand there…Im just numb…I really dont want to call the law on him…not when he\'s just gettin\' back on his feet…..so Im just standing outside in the damn cold…just like in the movies…Im froze…well I snap out of it and walk back to my trailer…he\'s locked me out…and the stereo is blaring and i hear things being thrown all over my trailer….well i have the keys, but really I dont want in anyway…just checkin\', so I figure he cant hear me too good, and I sneak over to my truck, open the door as quiet as I can, jump in…lock the door put the keys in and as soon as I start it I just peel out as fast as I can…cause I forgot to tell ya he had already threatened to beat me down…so I am out of of there…and theres no where to go, cause I dont have any money, so the only place is my nieces house…so I go there, and calm down some, play with the baby a lot…he\'s just so dang cute, and of course he loves me…the little darlin\'…later on we find Jason has called Brandys phones several times…and its pretty late now…her phone was on vibrate, so we didnt hear it…I thought maybe he would pass out and I could go home…but nope…so I just spend the nite, and the baby aint feelin so good so I get him on the couch with me and just pat him and rock him…Brandy and Joe are asleep and dont hear him…and thats how I fall asleep…with the baby…Bless his heart…there is nothing like a sweet little baby to make you feel needed and get your mind off your own self…in the morning or actually around noon…I go home…and just like I knew… broken stuff everywhere…cat litter thrown all ove the whole place…my tobacco dumped out, my 10 dollar rolling maching smashed to pieces…blood all over the place where he snatched up a box cutter and sliced his inner elbow…Im surprised he\'s alive…my door is broken…clothes thrown out all over… he wakes up and says look what I did mom…well I could say so many things…but I just say, God said no!!! you dont get out that easy…and I say, no more beer or youre going to jail…Im just so sick of people and my own child thinking they can say whatever they want and hurt me so bad…anyway thats about it, Im tired of writing and I need to cook supper…but I do have a plan to get myself out of this situation…I really do…the clinic will help me…I just got to find a place, havent been able to so far…but somethin\' will come up…it always does…So, how was your weekend??? LOL!!!!

Posted: 06:40 PM, 02/23/09 0 comments     Add Comment     Edit    



1 Comment
  1. LoriB 15 years ago

    I say throw his butt out on the street. You should not allow anyone including family treat you like that.

    0 kudos

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