I don\’t know about anyone else but I want a partner. Someone to fall asleep next to. I think maybe I want it so bad is because I hate being alone at night. Somehow the second the sun goes down, my mind goes into the deepest and darkest corners it can find. But I also want this person cause it would be fun. It would be fun to go on cute dates. To drink energy drinks and dance in the parking lot. On Friday nights we will make dinner together. Eat it on the couch while watching comedies. On day\’s you are sad, I\’ll face time you till you fall asleep. We could start a band. Or go rollerblading. We will take road trips together.

I need some help. How do I let someone know I care about them more than anything? This person I know lives about three states away. We have never met face to face. but I care about them. I don’t actually know his name but I call him Red. His favorite color is metallic purple, he speaks French, and likes geckos. If he doesn’t already sound perfect, you are strange. But he has a hard time accepting the fact that he is capable of being loved. He doesn’t know how to deal with compliments. But he really is the greatest.

He plays guitar. I could honestly listen to him sing and play the guitar all day. He voice is so soothing.

He is not all good though. He does have manic depression. He is has problems eating and is self conscious of his body. He is an addict and his sleep schedule is crap. I just don’t know how to explain the feelings I have for him. Not that I could if I wanted to. I guess I just need some advice.


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