A lot of dust has been kicked up by the controversy over Miss California\’s crazy answer to a question...
In the world ye shall have tribulation." John 16:33 Art thou asking the reason of this, believer? Look...
Apocalypse WOW! My sister is at it again1…I never seem to get much email from her since the election….I...
BeOptimistic, , Depression, Anger, Depression, Religion, 0Can someone look inside my head and tell me why after I had a very good day yesterday, when...
AN ATHEIST IN THE WOODS An atheist was walking through the woods. \'What majestic trees! \'What powerful rivers! ...
I’ve been slowly discovering a new mind toy. Just a concept, really. A metaphor? Once again,...
redhead20, , Depression, Anger, Child, Depression, Grief, Hoarding, Medication, Religion, Therapist, 0Things are a lot better than before, I’m on prozac and I feel that’s worked when everything else I’ve...
Due to lack of good direction, I fell in with thieves, and took to drinking as religion, and landed on my knees.” – Mason Jennings
thebadkitty, , Depression, Addiction, Anxiety, Grief, Religion, Suicide, 0Everything has changed so much, so fast. It’s crazy. I’m not sure where anything stands, anymore, but I’m shocked...
The Need for Unsafe Sex
sexmajician, , HIV or Aids, Anxiety, Grief, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, Questions, Relationships, Religion, Sex Therapy, Spirituality, Therapy, Weight Loss, 3Something happened back then. Countless thousands died horrible deaths. Countless thousands lost their families of origin to fear and...