I think my Papa (dad’s dad) touched me weird but not like severely?

So lemme explain

On the 14th of July there was a small family party at my grandpa’s (mom’s dad) house and it was a pool party bc I turned 16 the day before so I was in my swim suit

I was saying hi to my family and you know giving them hugs and stuff

And my papa’s hand went a little father down my back than I’m comfortable with and his fingers kinda pulled my swim suit pants down a small bit before the hug ended

I feel nervous and doubtful of myself because this is serious if I were to bring it up

But in all honesty I haven’t always felt very comfortable alone with my Papa like my whole life for some reason and I don’t know why

Something has always felt off

And only recently I’ve noticed when he hugs me his hands go a little further down my back than I like but it doesn’t last long bc the hug ends

But nothing like that day

And when he was leaving as he hugged me his hand trailed down my back as it ended

And I know it may seem like I’m being dramatic but I might be struggling to describe it properly

Bc it wasn’t just where it was happening like the way he was touching me too felt too intentional to be an accident

I even changed swim shorts so that that one incident wouldn’t happen again

Dude I wanna cry because I can’t imagine anyone in my family being like that

Anyone I’ve loved my whole life

How can I be sure I’m not imagining this

Why is it happening now too? Or has it and I’m just now noticing?

That’s the one thing I keep asking myself. Why now why now why now???

And I don’t think I can tell my family about this dude

With how serious this is

What if they call me a liar or what if I really am imagining it or what if it was an accident?

I’m honestly so nervous and I don’t know what to do because what if I’m overreacting?

And what will happen if I tell anyone? I love seeing my Oma and my father, and if I say anything what if I can’t see them as often or at all anymore?

I’m also literally almost never alone with my papa so is it even worth bringing up?

I’m thinking of a million different things that could go wrong

And it’s just scary because this is my favorite half of my family

I don’t wanna imagine them like this

And on the 17th of July I went to watch a movie at my Oma and Papa’s house, and afterwards my Oma and Papa have a swing in the backyard that I go on.

Randomly as I’m swinging, I feel my Papa’s hand tap my ass from behind me. My Oma was laughing, but it was because I asked “which family member was that” in a state of confusion and it felt like I’d be ruining the happy mood if I got mad or showed my discomfort

And later when my dad and I were leaving, my papa was sitting on the couch so I went to hug him and his hand was on the side of my ass

Since we were leaving it didn’t feel like the right time to bring it up. And I had an opportunity later on, I was just worried and afraid.

Be honest do you think I’m being paranoid or overreacting or just overthinking all this?

1 Comment
  1. rubsoul 2 months ago

    Don’t doubt your own feelings or instincts, you’re not being paranoid, you noticed something and don’t like it. It’s definitely worth doing something. Don’t do anything extreme but try talking with another family member you’re closest with. Tell them what he does and how it makes you feel. Don’t let anyone tell you that your feelings are invalid or you’re being too paranoid, you deserve to be taken seriously.

    1 kudos

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