So, today is rocking for the most part. I got more spring cleaning done (junk drawers and cupboards have nothing on me). I found some things I hadn't realized I was looking for (my girly Swiss army knife etc.). I spent some time with the boys (my neighbor's sons, who, at 3 and 10 months, are adorable, and the 3 year old never stops following me around asking me questions).  I bought the boys some cars from Cars and some bubbles…some other things for me. And, the pièce de résistance–my appointment with my shrink. This is a man I love. He never tries to treat me…which I think in some ways is a blessing. He doesn't give speeches or ask much about my weeks or months. We're like old war buddies. My favorite time with him was after the break-up with my second fiancé when he was staring off into space and abruptly stated, "It would almost be easier if he were dead." And to my shocked look, he turned and shook his head, trying to explain that he meant that there would be closure that way. Very funny. So, today, I try him for my hydrocodone after being shot down by my surgeon. I was frank–I told him I'm not sleeping well, thatI could just as easily buy it on the street, knowledge of its addictive properties, I had done my research on the effects opiates can have on ocd, why they aren't FDA approved for it, and so on and so forth. To my surprise, he's like, "Sure, let's try it. How much were you taking before when you felt better?" Signs off on it. I have a bottle. Cocktail for sleep. And so much cheaper than it would be on the street! I can barely eat and that's great. I see my surgeon in four days and I have a gift for him. My Burberry lamb arrived today. They're still trying to contact my lithograph artist in Florida. After a month. Great music on the radio today. Mostly nice weather, though now it looks like storms are heading in (and I wanted to get some gardening done). I have some more tidying up to do. Otherwise, what a delightfully easy day–knock on wood. Cheers.


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