I don’t know how to start this…but I just want to vent a little. I know I’m not supposed to, but…I feel like screaming. I can’t keep it all in anymore.

I’m tired of letting everyone down. I get sick easily nowadays. I’m tired all the time. My depressive thoughts weigh me down from time to time. No matter which way I look at it, I’m just a burden to everyone around me. Something is always wrong with me. I just shouldn’t be here anymore.

“It’s okay to speak up…” No…it’s not. Time and time again, I’ve learned that speaking up only makes things worse. I’m just ruining their day. I’m a bother to them. A burden. It’s better for me to keep everything inside. It’s not like it matters if I’m hurting.

Im sure everyone is tired of me anyway. I struggle with these same thoughts all the time. It’s always the same thing. They’re definitely tired of it. They don’t want to hear it anymore. That’s why…it’s better to keep everything inside.

I’m sure none of this makes sense. I just need to go. I’m worthless, meaningless, a waste of space, a horrible person all around.

Why am I still here? Why am I writing this? I just need to go…

One last thing…to anyone who happens to feel the same way I do. Don’t…keep it all inside. There are people who care about you and are willing to listen. Maybe not all the time…but they are there. They exist. Believe it. Though, in the end…you are all you need. You yourself are enough. It’s a beautiful thought, isn’t it?


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