The tears have come to almost a complete stop although confusion remains. I'm still sleeping all wrong so I'm miserable a lot of the time but I'm hoping I can fix this soon.

I'm not quite as stuck on the aforementioned guy as I was before although some very stupid part of me still wishes that he'd give me the time of day. The smarter, quieter part of me is saying, "Don't fall for it you idiot!"

In the meantime, my ex wants to come see me in March and see about reconciling. I'm not waiting for him though and if I find someone else before then…well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it… Speaking of which, there's a guy in one of my classes who I noticed right from the start of the quarter. He's decent looking, physically attractive, although I think what really makes him attractive above all else is his intelligence and confidence. He didn't notice me though until yesterday. I was late by a few minutes so I had to sit near the back. During discussion time, he turned around to say something to someone else and caught sight of me. The way our eyes connected seemd to be more than just a coincidence, more than politeness, more like…"Where did you come from? I've never seen you before…" He looked back our way to say something again and our eyes met a second time. It felt like we locked onto each other for a good minute even though I know it was more like a few seconds.

I don't know if I'm making more out of it than there is but something about it just made me feel like it wasn't just a glance, it was him actually taking some sort of interest in me. I think I'll sit back there again tomorrow and just see what happens…he seems outgoing enough that making conversation with him won't be too hard…


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