Being treat like shit because people cant masturbate over you but in this spell curse its impossible anyway, just like the change its impossible to enjoy yourself. Im an idiot because some people take this for lifetimes and iv, well we’ve only taken this a couple days! Got to just wait. Theres a lot of us taking this curse wondering why even if we reset everything we cant feel pleasure anymore, got to just wait, im not scared of the wait even im just so worried about instantanious end of the world worst case scenarios happening because i cant either jump off a bridge, purge off or wait or see my lad and try to heal it. Really i should be resetting my glands, weaning down, i cant wean but aslong as time diation and purges and reincarnatin is stopped and everyones clea ring the bodies away in the underworld theres no rush at all so why do i feel like this so extreeme when those three things are fine i thin k, or are they i dont know? As you evolve ots always t he worst but its when yo u dont know which one it is and people give you instructions telling you to sacrifice yourself. Honestly i feel and believe int his lightyear time diation trillions of years a second thing now even though it makes sense its a baby lesson the worst it gets because they want me to get over it fast but maybe this bad feeling is a massive imbalance in matter of the world. Sometimes its what you want to do and what i want to do is b e with a lot of people, who tell me the time diation and p urges arnt existant right now and obvioulsy i would like to find out why i feel this way and what would end this feeling. Some people have a sense of ugency and have to wait a lifetime. Can you be wrong about how you feel? is it actually fine? I can no longer explain answers to my problems but i can end it on the problem is i cant decide if this bad feeling is real or not and what it is. I cant tell if someones lying. Cant work out a lie. You trust them but they say too opposites but its not that its is the feeling in yourself thats not a reaction to anything social with anyone, what does it say and is that a lie because its bad but what if you feel pain and think its something bad in the world when its just pain and decision reality identifying making confusion. What if its just pain? They do say two opposites

Should say this though theres a curse spell going round where you cant feel pleasure anymore in any way and its best to just not try at all, untill we work out what it is will CURE all.


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