friends and family, let's start with this question. why are you in My disease did not stop just because it was a holiday or the weekday and i had to go to work. being a radio announcer for 33 years i was loaded on the air for 17 years and clean for the last 16. so i came to realize that i had to do this for myself. Recovery became the #1 priority in my life. yes i was married, 2 kids, owned a house, had a great So how do we stay clean and not relapse? the relapse occurs way before the actual event itself. we set ourselves up to fail. why? because it's the easier softer way. Recovery is not for everybody. if your in the relapse mode then you have a reservation somewhere in your program of recovery. when we're new we go to NA lengths to stay clean. we go to meetings and wonder why do these people want to hug us and tell us that we are welcome. they also show unconditional love to us. that in itself is where all of us start our journey. if your new you go to 90 meetings in 90 days. i think i did well over 175 meetings in my first 90 days. we get other members phone numbers and pick up the phone before we pick up the drugs. we find a sponsor who can help us work the 12 steps. you will never get out of yourself without the 12 steps. we come to believe in a power greater than ourselves. what your higher power is, is what you choose your higher power to be. we become spiritually challenged to the point where we finally give into the belief of a power that can truly help us walk through anything in Recovery. we also become very selfish in our recovery. sure we share what has been given to us freely and willingly but i am here for me and nobody else. sure i have people who love me but i also have people who don't like me. think i give a sh*t? i do not. we can't please every person we run across in the rooms of NA and AA. but we do what we have to so we can put a few days back to back. So my friends, f#@k keep coming back just stay. know that God has blessed you with a 2nd chance in life and remember that recovery is a journey not a destination and use the rest stops God provides along the way. A brother in Recovery for life, JJ |
50 facts about me
naomijane05, , Addiction, Career, OCD, Relationships, Religion, 1
Thoughtthis would make a good first blog 🙂 1. i love music. 2. Double spacing irritates me! 3. oh...
NA Changes
jjrocksarizona, , Addiction, 0
NA to Change Way of Doing Things New York, April 1, 2010 – Due to the...
12 rights of NA
jjrocksarizona, , Addiction, Religion, 0
Always remember that the Narcotics Anonymous program is based entirely on personal freedom, individual responsibility, and equality. The only...
Starting Again
KikiPants, , Addiction, Depression, Infidelity, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, 0
Heartbreak has always been an excuse for me to get high. When my husband left I thought my world...
just keep swimming….
delane1, , Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Marriage & Family, OCD, Child, Therapy, 2
i really dunno where this one’s going, but i do know i’m increasingly frustrated, still. This morning, already, i’ve...
Not me
sdavis, , Addiction, Addiction, Career, Child, Depression, Medication, Relationships, 0
I was always said to myself theres no way I’ll ever try that no way why would I want...
Someone please help me!!!
Vjh2213, , Addiction, Addiction, Career, Child, Eating Disorder, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, 1
Sorry for the long story but anyone please help!!!! I feel like I have no where to turn.. In...
The price of awarness
detroitmike, , Addiction, Relationships, Self Esteem, 1
Is AWARENESS…… well i have been on that emotional roller coaster for the last few weeks and couldnt figure...