The actual full title, by the Sensational Alex Harvey Band (The Greatest Band Ever To Play A Note) is: "There'll Be No Lights On the Christmas Tree, Mother; They're Burning Big Louie Tonight."
What a wonderful title. And the late, great lamented (RIP) Alex was quite a perverse character too; he sang a version of the frightening – I kid you not, watch the film 'Cabaret' – "Tomorrow Belongs To Me" as well as Jacques Brel's "Next", and the timeless "Delilah". I have had a wonderful evening sitting watching all these things on YouTube video.
As for the anxiety, I resorted to what I know best; a rather larger dosage than recommended of three different BZDs. Which, on top of my OxyContin, has made for a great day. It is our town's Annual Children's Fair Day; the highlight of the calendar and a good excuse for the adults to get completely blootered. So blootered, in my own way, have I been!
It's been exactly a month since my last blog entry. Why? I don't know. Just haven't been in the writing mood, I suppose. And I'm not really tonight either. But I felt I had to share that wonderful song title with you all and urge you to go out there and catch some old film of the greatest Rock and Soul Show-man of all time. And don't forget the band, who were indeed absolutely Sensational. Formerly 'Teargas', Alex found them playing some seedy Glasgow pub, and realised that it would be a 'happy marriage'. So it turned out. Zal Cleminson is the most under-rated rock guitarist ever. Just watch the videos of "Next", "Delilah" and "Faith Healer". And 'SHOWMAN' is definitely the best description of Alex. I had the privilege of seeing three of his live shows, including the 1975 Apollo Christmas Show, rated by 'Q' magazine as one of the greatest gigs ever played.
That's all I really have to say folks, except that I don't think I'll need a Rohypnol tonight!
With Love and Peas,
MICHAEL the Gaucho