Before i decided to change my life around i was lost, i was drinking alot i was gaining weight i never thought id gain and my health was suffering. My panic attacks was and is at an all time high after the doc told me i had some high levels on my blood test. One night i was in a panic and i hit my knees in my bathroom and just started praying. I cried out to god to heal me and to forgive me and to help me change my life. Its a process im still a sinner and im working hard everyday but it has helped me in knowing i have our lord jesus christ watching out for me. It gives me someone to talk to all hours of the day who doesnt judge me and who helps clear my mind. His power of healing is so mighty and great. I can be having the worst panic attack and i cry out to him and he heals me and takes those worries away. He has brought me and my husband closer together. Me and my kids he is providing me with better patients to deal with what they throw at me, his love is unconditional and powerful. I feel his presents in my life i feel him working on my heart and mind. And i just wanna share the wonderful things he has done for me and i know he can do the same for others that call on him. He wont leave you, you are his creation, he sent his only son to die for you! How amazing is that? That he loves us so much he would send is only son to die on the cross for all of our sins? All we have to do is turn to him and he will forgive us and heal us. He heals the blind, the dead and the dying. Man he is powerful and what a mighty God we serve. Thank you for reading i hope this touches just one person today and they turn to him. Im not perfect i struggle and i still sin but if anyone needs to talk or have me pray for them please let me know. Thank you


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