Well I haven\'t blogged in a long time here and I have a feeling that I need to. I have been unemployed in the traditional sense since February 09. I have been trying to get my dog walking/pet sitting business together and up and running and have had about 5 different jobs in the last month or month 1/2. So today my boyfriend, the only person I really have in my life since my whole immediate family moved away to Oregon proceeds to basically tell me I don\'t do anything. I don\'t do enough around the house to appease him. Since I am out of work and don\'t have anything to do with my life I must somehow become Martha Fing Stewart. When I said that I had been doing homework all day for my report in math he then throws it in my face that I don\'t go full time so that isn\'t an excuse. So as if rubbing in my face that i\'m a failure for not finding a traditional office job and wasn\'t able to take more then 1 class this semester now I apparently don\'t have cleaning skills that are up to par. Meanwhile I cook dinner every night and clean up after words, clean the bathroom, vacuum, pick up the house, dust, homework, run errands, ect. So it all stemmed from me not putting away the clean laundry and he getting angry about it. Putting laundry away is my most hated chore so god forbid i forget to do it or just don\'t want to do it. My feelings are hurt and I am not going to apologize because i haven\'t done anything wrong. I do keep the house clean and because I don\'t clean the house EVERY single day doesn\'t mean I don\'t do anything. So now i sit up alone and all I can think is how much I hate myself for not having a job and not accomplishing the goals I have for myself…and now they are being used against me basically. 


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