Hey Everyone,

 I met with my course advisor, and will have my Degree finished in the Spring! I have a very heavy courseload for Fall and Spring, but, my advisor is quite confident I can handle all the work! I have already registered and am already well into completing my first required papers. My advisor also wants to have me as a guest speaker for the residency program( I am doing 2 residencies). I will be speaking on the psychological affects that my diagnosis had on me, as well as my own pre-conceived idea of the diagnosis and statistics to show the breakdown of HIV/AIDS in the rural Counties of Central New York. I guess I am fairly lucky that I have access to the computer and internet! It would be a daunting task to search for information in articles and books alone!

 My Degree will be a Bachelor of Arts with the focus on Psychology.  I plan on continuing to recieve my Masters in Social Work and become a Counsellor for recently infected/affected HIV/AIDS. I remember what it was like to be told my diagnosis and the affects that diagnosis had on my family and children as well as me! I was still "stoned" from coming out of a coma when I was told my diagnosis, and will never forgive the Dr. that was so heartless and showed absolutely no compassion as he told me.

 Anyway, I got to see Governor Sarah Palin yesterday! She was in my hometown celebrating Auburn, New York\’s Founders Day, as well as 50 years of Alaskan Statehood! William H. Seward ,the driving force behind the Alaskan Purchase lived, died and was buried in my hometown! Harriet Tubman is also buried here in Auburn! Anyway, Gov. Palin was here and gave a mediocre speech.. about as full of fire as a damp sponge! I will say that it was good for this town to recieve a little positive recognition, considering the abundance of history that this area holds . Not only do we have the rotting bones of Seward and Tubman, but, Auburn is also the birthplace of the Electric Chair!! That is right, Auburn had the first execution by Electric Chair! You can\’t bs that kind of publicity!! 

 I hope anyone perusing my blog will feel free to respond. Enjoy your Sunday!!


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