1. I will remember to take into account that great love and great achievement take great risks

2. I will remember when i lose not to lose the lessen

3. I will remember to follow the three R's… Respect for myself, respect for others, and responsibility for all my actions

4. I wil remember that sometimes not getting what i want is sometimes a great stroke of luck.

5. I will remember to learn all the rules so that i can break them properly

6. I will remember not to let a little dispute ruin a great friendship

7. I will remember when i make a mistake to take immediate action to fix it

8. I will remember to spend time alone each day

9. I will remember to always open my arms to change, but never let go of my values

10. I will remember to live a good and honorable life

11. I will remember when i get old to look back on my life and enjoy it

12. I will remember a loving atmosphere at home is the foundation to my life

13. I will remember in disagreements with my loved ones, to only deal with the certain situation and not to bring up the past.

14. I will remember to share my knowledge, its a way to live immorality.

15. I will remember to be gentle to this earth, for god has given to it me for only a certain time.

16. I will remember to once a  year go someplace i have never been.

17. I will remember to only judge my success by what i had to give up to get it

18. I will remember to approach love and cooking with reckless abandon

19. To always be open minded, and except everyone for who they are

20. I will remember that the best relationship is one which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.





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