I can’t wait till June 24, 2024. Imma be 18 and I can easily move out and not have to deal with my mother anymore. like when are you gonna learn how to shut up and stop bringing up stuff that makes me mad and you know it does like tf. She thinks I know where the phone she bought me, just so she can be nosy and quite literally control everything i do on that phone, like first of all i never messed with it because i dont want it, i even told her that. I have my own phone that I bought with the money I earned myself, and that i pay for every month what makes her think i want the one she bought me.

like don’t get mad at me just because you lost a phone that you bought and put in your messy room where you literally can barely walk in there without falling and apparently cant find when she didnt even look for it. me, my dad and sister looked everywhere for it upstairs and downstairs in drawers in safes in literally everything and never found it.

and also how is she gonna blame me for her depression, her anxiety attacks, her health. i mean why adopt me if you get mad at me for every little thing i do and every comment i have

1 Comment
  1. icanconqueraddiction 4 months ago

    I understand your frustration. I moved out at 18 myself. It was pretty hard because I had to pay all my bills myself so I wouldn’t get evicted. Make sure you stay home long enough to save and at least have a vehicle.

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